U3D Development Engineer

1970-01-01 08:00:00 GuangZhou 1

Job Responsibilities:

1. Use Unity3D engine for iOS/Android platform mobile game development;

2. Establish a good communication and cooperation relationship with the designer and art departments;

3. Actively participate in the optimization and improvement of the project.

Job requirements:

1. Bachelor degree or above, computer related majors, more than 3 years of game development experience;

2. Familiar with Lua and C# language and UNITY3D engine;

3. Have good object-oriented analysis, design skills, standardized programming style and good documentation habits;

4. Love games, have a strong interest in learning game development technology, and be good at problem-solving;

5. Work proactive, good communication skills and strong enterprising spirit;

6. Experience in game module development, 3D rendering development and optimization is preferred.

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