"Raziel" New Gameplay Mode – Co-op Abis Demon Land

2020-08-05 20:05:08 R 354

Season 8 has begun as we continue to adjust class balances. At the same time, we’re busy slating a new gameplay mode for its debut.

In the previous news, we discussed the upcoming potential system and related features. This week, we’ll continue to introduce this new gameplay mode—Co-op Abis Demon Land.


In the August update, Abis Demon Land will add a "co-op mode" entrance. After Gawlanders form a team, the captain will choose co-op mode to enter the Abis Demon Land challenge. In this mode, in addition to obtaining more gear, explorers also can obtain potential prisms and breakthrough prisms. These two prisms are used for the cultivation of the new gameplay system called “potential”.

In addition to the drop rewards, this new co-op mode also adds a new twist. Each layer of the dungeon will possess its own magical features. For example, killing monsters will grant a chance to obtain magic balls. Movement and energy recovery speeds will trigger special effects after 10 layers of this BUFF have stacked.

The magical features of Abis Demon Land will rotate randomly every day. The number and effect of these features will differ in each tier. Gawlanders must choose heroes to adjust the challenge strategy reasonably according to the features of each level.


Levels of Co-Op Abis Demon Land will synchronize with single player Abis Demon Land. The highest level of the single player Abis Demon Land will match the highest level unlocked for  Co-Op Abis Demon Land. However, in co-op mode, Gawlanders can freely choose any level. If the current level is difficult, they can also return to the previous one. Explorers who like to challenge can also find a helper to lead the higher levels in Abis Demon Land. The range of layers that teams can challenge will display in the Co-op Abis Demon Land menu. For example, an explorer who is new to Tier 9 can only challenge Tier 11 on a team.

The above is the first experience content of the S8 season, the final content please refer to the official content.

tag: Raziel
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